I'm not one that sustains faith through spiritual highs. I push my faith through the strain of thought until my heart feels solid and strong. So that is why I can not describe my experience being at the courtyard of the Lady Masumeh (p) shrine with poetical metaphors or cliched stocked phrases. But I believe in angels and saints and life after death, and I felt all those things were completely real there. I felt calm, which for those who really know me, is not a usual feeling I have when doing something brand new.
We arrived at a parking garage and took a ticket, the fee was minimal. We found a decent spot to park. We began to walk towards the shrine area. There were many small vendors selling items from shoes, pants, house decorations, big stuffed animals, to religious prayer beads and rugs. I didn't stop to take pictures of these because we wanted to get to the open courtyard of the shrine quickly. There were lots of people walking, cars and motorbikes edging through the crowd. The weather was cool and bright so I didn't feel bothered at all. The walk was about 10 minutes until we got to a large set of stairways. When we got to the top, there was an open area where I felt it was a big enough space to pause and take some photographs.
At this point, I can't remember if we had already crossed a small street to get into another large space, but eventually, we found the entrance to the main courtyard of the shrine. There were separate entrances for the women and then men, but they were near each other and once we stepped through those, the large courtyard was open to both men and women.
As we walked through the entrance there was a quiet crowd of folks slowly approaching turnstiles to pass individually. At each one of those turnstiles was an official female guard with gloves on who pat down everyone who went through. It seemed as if she was checking us for suicide vests. Later someone mentioned to me that it was only recently that the guards were added at these points, when the threat of Daesh (a.ka. ISIS) became more apparent. Daesh hates us Shia and we are often targeted by them. However, I was not frightened at all. Qom has always been the refuge for the Shia of the world, a place where we feel at home and safe.
As we entered the main courtyard, all the images I'd seen before on the internet came to life and felt familiar. It was a place where I could have spent all day, sitting and walking. There are shops right outside the courtyard and a place within where there is free cold water and cups for drinking. There are several hadith about this great city that I will include with the photographs.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) has said:
"There is an angel for Qum who has spread his wings over it and any tyrant who intents bad for Qum, Allah (SWT) melts him down as the salt is melted in water."
(Bihaar al-Anwar, vol. 60, p. 217)
"Salutations to the people of Qum, Allah (SWT) will shower their cities with the required rainfall and will bless them and turn their calamities into safety and goodness. The people of Qum are devout performers of Salat (Namaz). They are jurisprudents, scholars and explore the realities and perform good worship."
(Bihaar al-Anwar, vol. 60, p. 217)
Affan Basri quoted : Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said to me:
"You know why it has been named Qum? I replied "Allah (SWT), His Prophet (S.A.W.) and you know better." Imam (A.S.) said " It has been named Qum because its people will be along Qa'im (the Upholder) from the family of Muhammad (S.A.W) and will support him in his uprising and will remain steadfast."
(Bihaar al-Anwar, vol. 60, p. 216)
Imam Musa al-Kazim(A.S.) has said:
"The heaven comprises of eight gateways and one of it is exclusive for the people of Qum. They are the best of the Shi'ites among all the cities. Allah (SWT) has endowed our love in their nature."
(Bihaar al-Anwar, vol. 60, p.216)
Imam Ali (A.S.) has said:
"A man from Qum will invite the people to the right path. A group of people will gather around him who are of iron will and determination and the heavy winds will not deter them and they are not tired of the war and only rely on Allah (SWT) and the righteous will attain the salvation."
(Bihaar al-Anwar, vol. 60, p. 216)
We didn't enter into the inner portion of the shrine where people can get very close to the burial sites because it can be rather daunting and confusing the first few times, so we will take it slow God Willing. We had come to pay our respects and give our salams to Lady Masumeh (p) and the Ahlul Bayt (p), and to pray for ourselves and others. Mission completed, Alhamdulillah. My next goal is to get inside to see more. InshaaAllah.
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My husband and I in the courtyard of our Lady Masumeh (peace be upon her). |